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王鹏飞,男,博士,讲师,硕士研究生导师。20216月,赴奥地利University of Graz 进行为期一年的博士联合培养;20237月,获得中国科学院大学环境科学博士学位。主要从事土壤污染修复与风险评价研究方向。2016年以来,发表SCI论文30余篇,以第一作者在Environment InternationalFood Chemsitry等国际期刊发表SCI论文5





  • 2024.01 - 至今 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师(校聘副教授)

  • 2021.06-2022.06 奥地利格拉茨大学化学所,博士联合培养

  • 2016.09-2023.07 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,环境科学,工学博士

  • 2012.09-2016.07 河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院,农业资源与环境,农学学位


    [1] 昆明理工大学高层次人才平台建设项目

    [2] 云南省昆明理工大学“双一流”创建联合专项项目


[1]Xiaotong Liu, Xiaolin Cai*, Naiyi Yin, Xuhan Huang, Pengfei Wang, Zeeshan Basheer, Chuanfang Fan, Xuhui Chang, Zhengyi Hu, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui. The pH-dependent role of different manganese oxides in the fate of arsenic during microbial reduction of arsenate-bearing goethite. Water Research. 2024, 261, 121988.

[2]Yunpeng Li,Naiyi Yin*, Xiaolin Cai, Pengfei Wang, Chuanfang Fan, Xuhui Chang, Xiaotong Liu, Ziqi Geng, Liwei Cui, Xin Du, Yanshan Cui*. Effects of calcium supplements on oral bioavailability of fluoride in soil based on In Vivo and In Vitro methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 456, 131663.

[3] Xuhui Chang, Xiaolin Cai, Naiyi Yin, Pengfei Wang, Chuanfang Fan, Xiaotong Liu, Yunpeng Li, Shuping Wang;Liwei Cui, Yanshan Cui*. Arsenic and iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells: The influence of their co-existence and concentration. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2023, 175, 113727.

[4] Xiaotong Liu, Xiaolin Cai*, Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Chuanfang Fan, Xuhui Chang, Xuhan Huang, Xin Du, Shuping Wang*, Yanshan Cui. Effect of manganese oxides on arsenic speciation and mobilization in different arsenic-adsorbed iron-minerals under microbially-reducing conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 445, 130602.

[5] Naiyi Yin, Xuhui Chang, Peng Xiao, Yi Zhou, Xiaotong Liu, Shimao Xiong, Pengfei Wang, Xiaolin Cai, Guoxin Sun*, Yanshan Cui*, Zhengyi Hu. Role of microbial iron reduction in arsenic metabolism from soil particle size fractions in simulated human gastrointestinal tract. Environment International. 2023, 174, 107911.

[6] Pengfei Wang, Huili Du, Yaqi Fu, Xiaolin Cai, Yanshan Cui*. Role of human gut bacteria in arsenic biosorption and biotransformation. Environment International. 2022, 165, 107314.

[7] Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Yaqi Fu, Ziqi Geng, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Assessment of arsenic distribution, bioaccessibility and speciation in rice utilizing continuous extraction and in vitro digestion. Food Chemistry. 2021, 128969.

[8] Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Yan Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Comparison of bioaccessibility and relative bioavailability of arsenic in rice bran: The in vitro with PBET/SHIME and in vivo with mice model. Chemosphere. 2020, 259, 127443.

[9] Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Zejiao Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Variability of chromium bioaccessibility and speciation in vegetables: The influence of in vitro methods, gut microbiota and vegetable species. Food Chemistry. 2019, 30, 347-352.

[10] Pengfei Wang, Naiyi Yin, Xiaolin Cai, Huili Du, Zejiao Li, Guoxin Sun, Yanshan Cui*. Nutritional status affects the bioaccessibility and speciation of arsenic from soils in a simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 664, 815-821.


  • 土壤污染物生态毒理学效应与机制

  • 土壤污染风险评价、管控与修复

  • 农产品安全与健康


  • 上进心强、工作扎实,有团队协作精神

  • 具有环境科学与工程、资源与环境等专业背景均可


  • 实验室:环境楼B103

  • E-mailwpengfei1013@163.com