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张俊慧,男,1993年生,讲师,硕士研究生导师。20236月获北京林业大学生态环境工程博士学位。近五年来(自2019年),发表学术论文12篇,其中10篇被SCI收录,以第一作者发表SCI论文4篇和CSCD论文1篇,其中2SCI发表于环境领域顶级期刊《Water Research》。

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Junhui-Zhang-16





² 2023.11-至今  昆明理工大学   环境科学与工程学院,讲师(校聘副教授

² 2017.9-2023.6     北京林业大学   环境科学与工程学院,生态环境工程,理学博士(硕博连读)

² 2012.9-2016.6     华北水利水电大学 环境与市政工程学院,环境工程,工学学士


昆明理工大学高层次人才平台建设项目(主持,2023.11 - 2028.1180万元)


[1] Junhui Zhang, Kuiling Li, Mengfei Xie, Qi Ha, Li Fen*, Dan Q*, Liqiu Zhang, Ke Wang. A new insight into low membrane fouling tendency of liquid-liquid hollow fiber membrane contactor capturing ammonia from human urine. Water Research, 233 (2023) 119795.

[2] Junhui Zhang, Mengfei Xie, Dandan Yang, Xin Tong, Dan Qu*, Li Feng**, Liqiu Zhang. The design of multi-stage open-loop hollow fiber membrane contactor and its application in ammonia capture from hydrolyzed human urine. Water Research, 207 (2021) 117811.

[3] Junhui Zhang, Mengfei Xie, Xin Tong, Dandan Yang, Su Liu, Dan Qu*. Ammonia capture from human urine to harvest N-P compound fertilizer by an immersed hollow fiber membrane contactor: fertilizer component and economic analysis, Science of the total environment, 768 (2021) 144478.

[4] Junhui Zhang, Mengfei Xie, Xin Tong, Su Liu, Dan Qu*, Shuhu Xiao. Recovery of ammonium nitrogen from human urine by an open-loop hollow fiber membrane contactor. Separation and Purification, 239 (2020) 116579.

[5] Qu Dan*, Zhang Junhui, Wan Dongjin, Niu Zhenhua. Perchlorate removal by a combined heterotrophic and bio-electrochemical hydrogen autotrophic system. Science of the Total Environment, 851 (2022) 158178.

[6] 张俊慧, 杨丹丹, 谢梦飞, 封莉, 张立秋, 余昊翔, 曲丹*. 吸收液对中空纤维膜接触器回收尿液中氨氮的影响. 环境科学学报, 2021, 41(8): 3243-3250.


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l 膜科学与技术


l 进心强、工作扎实有团队协作精神

l 具有环境工程、环境科学相关学科背景均可


l 办公室:环B103

l E-mailzhangjunhui@kust.edu.cn(欢迎邮件联系!)