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陈全,男,1989年生,博士,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。主要从事土壤中重金属和有机污染物环境行为和生物效应相关科研工作,结合实验与计算机模拟技术多尺度探究污染物环境行为及生物毒理效应。已发表SCI/EI论文60余篇,以第一或通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research 等期刊发表论文40余篇,其中SCI一区24篇,ESI高被引论文3篇。已申请中国专利26项和PCT国际专利1项,其中17项已授权。主持国家基金面上项目(2项)和青年基金、国家重点研发项目子课题等项目。。





  • 2019.02—至今 昆明理工大学 环境科学与工程学院 讲师和教授

  • 2013.09-2018.09  华南理工大学 化学工程专业 博士

  • 2015.06-2015.12 美国休斯顿大学 化学系 访问学者

  • 2009.09-2013.06 湖北师范大学 应用化学专业 学士






5.云南省基础研究计划优秀青年基金,202101AW070008,生物炭对土壤肥力提升和重金属污染物锁定的耦合作用机制研究,2021.06-2024.05, 经费: 30万元,主持,结题;

6.国家自然科学基金青年项目,41907322,碳基材料的三维模型构建及其与有机污染物相互作用的描述, 2020.01-2022.12年,经费:25万元,主持,结题;


1.Shuyue Zheng, Jihong Dong, Quan Chen*, Min Wu, Dong Zhu, Li Cui, Philippe Frangois-Xavier Corvini, Hong-Zhe Li*, Bo Pan, Elevated Toxicity and High-Risk Impacts of Small Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Clusters on Microbes Compared to Large Clusters. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c10078

2.Liang Zeng, Sizhe Yang, Quan Chen*, Wang Fu, Min Wu, Patryk Oleszczuk, Bo Pan*, Baoshan Xing. The critical role of electron donating rate of pyrogenic carbon in mediating the degradation of phenols in the aquatic environment. Water Research, 265 (2024), 122217.

3.Mengwei Zhang, Ling Ding, Xinran Qiu, Xujun Liang, Yu Huang, Xiaoling Shan, Quan Chen*, Xuetao Guo*. Interactions between Iron Minerals and Dissolved Organic Matter Derived from Microplastics Inhibited the Ferrihydrite Transformation as Revealed at the Molecular Scale. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58, 13478−13489.

4.Wei Dong, Jing Xing, Quan Chen*, Yu Huang, Min Wu, Peng Yi, Bo Pan*, Baoshan Xing. Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen-containing functional groups of biochar and organic contaminants significantly enhance sorption affinity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 499C, 2024 156654.

5.Jihong Dong, Jiabang Li, Yu Huang*, Jingyu Zhong, Kai Dun, Min Wu, Lijuan Zhang, Quan Chen*, Bo Pan. Understanding the release, migration, and risk of heavy metals in coal gangue: An approach by combining experimental and computational investigations. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 461, 2024, 132707.

6.Jing Xing, Wei Dong, Ni Liang, Yu Huang, Min Wu, Lijuan Zhang, Quan Chen*. Sorption of organic contaminants by biochars with multiple porous structures: Experiments and molecular dynamics simulations mediated by three-dimensional models. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458C, 2023, 131953.

7.Quan Chen, Pinyao Lan, Min Wu, Meng Lu, Bo Pan*, and Baoshan Xing*, Biochar mitigates allelopathy through regulating allelochemical generation from plants and accumulation in soil, Carbon Research, 2022, 1:6.

8.Xiangzhi Zuo, Peng Yi, Quan Chen*, Min Wu, Lijuan Zhang, Bo Pan*, Baoshan Xing, Inter-molecular interactions of phthalic acid esters and multi-stage sorption revealed by experimental investigations and computation simulations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 431P1, 134018.

9.Peng Yi, Xiangzhi Zuo, Di Lang, Min Wu, Wei Dong, Quan Chen*, Lijuan Zhang, Competitive adsorption of methanol co-solvent and dioctyl phthalate on functionalized graphene sheet: Integrated investigation by molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 605, 354-363.

10.Quan Chen, Chaoran Ma, Wenyan Duan, Di Lang, Bo Pan*, Coupling adsorption and degradation in p-nitrophenol removal by biochars. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 271, 122550.

11.Quan Chen, Zhenya Tang, Hao Li, Min Wu, Qing Zhao, Bo Pan*, An electron-scale comparative study on the adsorption of six divalent heavy metal cations on MnFe2O4@ CAC hybrid: Experimental and DFT investigations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 381, 122656. (ESI高被引论文)

12.Quan Chen, Jiewei Zheng, Qian Yang, Zhi Dang, Lijuan Zhang*, Insights into the glyphosate adsorption behavior and mechanism by MnFe2O4@cellulose activated carbon magnetic hybrid. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(17), 15478-15488.

13.Quan Chen, Jiewei Zheng, Qian Yang, Zhi Dang, Lijuan Zhang*, Effect of carbon chain structure on the phthalic acid esters (PAEs) adsorption mechanism by mesoporous cellulose biochar. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 362, 383-391.

14.Quan Chen, Jiewei Zheng, Jianchang Xu, Zhi Dang, Lijuan Zhang*, Insights into the interfacial interaction mechanism of sulfamethazine adsorption on mesoporous cellulose biochar: Coupling DFT/FOT simulations with experiments. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 356, 341-349.

15.Quan Chen, Jiewei Zheng, Liuchun Zheng, Zhi Dang, Lijuan Zhang*, Classical theory and electron-scale view of exceptional Cd(II) adsorption onto mesoporous cellulose biochar via experimental analysis coupled with DFT calculations. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 350, 1000-1009.

16.Quan Chen, Jiewei Zheng, Xiaozhe Yuan, Jufang Wang, Lijuan Zhang*, Folic acid grafted and tertiary amino based pH-responsive pentablock polymeric micelles for targeting anticancer drug delivery. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 82, 1-9, 2018. (ESI高被引论文)

17.Quan Chen#, Zhiling Zhu#, Jun Wang, Analette I. Lopez, Siheng Li, Amit Kumar, Fei Yu, Haoqing Chen, Chengzhi Cai*, Lijuan Zhang*. Probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 biofilms on silicone substrates for bacterial interference against pathogen colonization. Acta Biomaterialia, 2017, 50, 353-360.







6.陈全,孔颖,潘波,吴敏,一种移动式环保型生物炭炭化炉,受理时间:2020.09.25,受理国别:中国,授权时间, 2021.01.01实用新型专利号:ZL202022129803.0






  • 云南省“高层次人才引进计划”青年人才,排名第一,2019年;

  • 云南省优青,排名第一,2021年;

  • 互联网+创新创新大赛金奖,2020~2023,排名第二;

  • 昆明理工大学教学成果奖,一等奖和特等奖,排名第三。


  • 土壤中重金属和有机污染物环境行为和环境生物效应

  • 污染物的环境界面迁移行为和效应

  • 环境计算化学和生物计算化学


  • 对实验和计算机模拟软件有着强烈的兴趣,良好的中英文阅读和撰写能力,踏实、努力,积极乐观。

  • 具有环境工程、环境科学、化学化工、生物专业背景均可


  • 办公室:环境楼B103

  • E-mail18814122937@163.com