1.Recent advances in thermochemical conversion technology for anaerobic digestate from food waste. Bioresource Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
2.Enhanced strength and fluoride ion solidification/stabilization mechanism of modified phosphogypsum backfill material. Construction and Building Materials. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
3.Evaluation of fluoride emissions and pollution from an electrolytic aluminum plant located in Yunnan province. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (第一作者, 一区, 2024).
4.Hydrolysis of carbonyl sulfide using non-ionic surfactant-modified mesoporous γ-Al2O3 catalysts with high efficiency. Separation & Purification Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
5.Insights into catalytic effect of Fe3+ and MnO4- on SO2 absorption for phosphoric acid production by phosphate rock slurry. Separation & Purification Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
6.TG-FTIR-Py-GCMS analysis and catalytic pyrolysis mechanism of textile waste by red mud catalyst for liquid fuel production. Science of The Total Environment. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
7.Chemical looping gasification of automotive paint sludge with red mud oxygen carrier for flammable gas production. Chemical Engineering Journal. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
8.Biomass hydrothermal carbonization solution-assisted synthesis of intercalation-expanded core–shell structured molybdenum disulfide for efficient adsorption of Cr (VI) in electroplating wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
9.Biomass-derived carbon/iron composite(FexOy-BC (RM) with excellent Cd(l|)adsorption from wastewater - Red mud resource utilization. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
10.Roles of red mud in remediation ofcontaminated soil in mining areas:Mechanisms, advances and perspectives. Joumal of Environmental Management. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
11.Biomass hydrothermal carbonization solutionassisted synthesis of intercalation-expanded core shell structured molybdenum disulfide for efficient adsorption of Cr (VI) in electroplating wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
12A review on catalytic pyrolysis of textile waste to high-value products: Catalytic mechanisms,products application and perspectives. Chemical Engineering Journal. (通讯作者, 一区, 2024).
13.Effect of bionic shield texture on friction behavior of Silicon Carbide under water lubrication condition. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties. (通讯作者, 三区, 2024).
14.Enhanced absorption of SO2 from phosphogypsum decomposition by phosphate slurry for phosphoric acid production. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (通讯作者, 一区, 2023).
15.Enhanced NOx absorption in flue gas by wet oxidation of red mud and phosphorus sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (第一作者, 一区, 2023).
16.A review on the roles of biochar incorporated into cementitious materials: Mechanisms, application and perspectives. Construction and Building Materials. (通讯作者, 一区, 2023).
17.Biochar derived from coffee grounds with molybdenum disulfide composites for Cr (VI) removal from wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal. (通讯作者, 一区, 2023).
18.Novel method for high-performance simultaneous removal of NOx and SO2 by coupling yellow phosphorus emulsion with red mud. Chemical Engineering Journal. (通讯作者, 一区, 2022).
19.Metal-organic framework-derived iron oxide modified carbon cloth as a high-powerdensity microbial fuel cell anode. Journal of Cleaner Production. (通讯作者, 一区, 2022).
20.Life cycle assessment of pollutants and emission reduction strategies based on the energy structure of the nonferrous metal industry in China. Energy. (通讯作者, 一区, 2022).
21.Simultaneousremoval of SO2 and NO using a novel method with red mud as absorbent combined with O3 oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (第一作者, 一区, 2020).
22.O3 Oxidation Excited by Yellow Phosphorus Emulsion Coupling with Red Mud Absorption for Denitration. Journal of Hazardous Materials. (第一作者, 一区, 2021).
23.Research on Red Mud-Limestone Modified Desulfurization Mechanism and Engineering Application. Separation & Purification Technology. (通讯作者, 一区, 2021).
24.Characterization of the liquid intermediates from gasification of lignite in supercritical water: Insights into the gasification process for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (通讯作者, 二区, 2016).
25.Activity of Ni/CeO2 catalyst for gasification of phenol in supercritical water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (第一作者, 二区, 2018).
26.Removal of SO2 from flue gas using Bayer red mud:Influence factors and mechanism. Journal of Central South University. (通讯作者, 二区, 2019).
27.UV-shielding device of high-stabilityglass embedded with in-situ growth of ZnO quantum dots. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. (通讯作者, 二区, 2019).
28.Removal of SO2 from flue gas using Bayer red mud: Influence factors and mechanism. Journal of Central South University. (通讯作者, 二区, 2019).
29.Preparation of glass-ceramics from chromite-containing tailings solidified with Red Mud. Surfaces and Interfaces. (第一作者, 二区, 2021).
30.Sodium ascorbate as additive in red mud slurry for simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification: Insights into the multiple influence factors and reaction mechanism. Chemosphere. (通讯作者, 二区, 2022).
31.Study on adsorption of hexavalent chromiumby compositematerialprepared from iron-based solid wastes. Scientific Reports. (通讯作者, 二区, 2022).
32.Enhanced sequestration of CO2 from simulated electrolytic aluminum flue gas by modified red mud. Journal of Environmental Management. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
33.Red mud-based heterogeneous catalyst for hydrothermal resource-based degradation of norfloxacin in pharmaceutical wastewater by hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Water Process Engineering. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
34.The roles of red mud as desulfurization and denitrification in flue gas: A review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
35.State-of-the-art on animal manure pollution control and resource utilization. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
36.Biomass-derived carbon/iron composite (FexOy-BC (RM)) with excellent Cd(II) adsorption from wastewater – Red mud resource utilization. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
37.A review on the modified red mud for biomass catalytic pyrolysis: Preparation, mechanisms and perspectives. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
38.A review on liquid fuel produced from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of plastic waste. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. (通讯作者, 二区, 2023).
39.Catalytic degradation of antibiotic sludge to produce formic acid by acidified red mud. Environmental Research. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
40.Insights into remediation of cadmium and lead contaminated-soil by Fe-Mn modified biochar. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
41.Ultrasonic-enhanced phosphorus sludge excited O3 coupled red mud simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
42.Recent advances in organic waste pyrolysis and gasification in a CO2 environment to value-added products. Journal of Environmental Management. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
43.A review on modified red mud-based materials in removing organic dyes from wastewater:Application, mechanisms and perspectives. Journal of Molecular Liquids. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
44.Roles of red mud in remediation of contaminated soil in mining areas: Mechanisms, advances and perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
45.Effective adsorption performance and mechanism of methylene blue from dye wastewater by humic acid sucrose-modified red mud. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. (通讯作者, 二区, 2024).
46.Preparation of Cu2O modified TiO2nanopowder and its application to the visible light photoelectron catalytic reduction of CO2 to CH3OH. Chemical Physics Letters. (第一作者, 三区, 2018).
47.Desulphurization mechanism and engineering practice of carbide slag. Environmental science and pollution research. (通讯作者, 三区, 2022).
48.Mechanisms study of silicotungstic acid modified CeO2 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3:Effect of pH values. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. (通讯作者, 三区, 2018).
49.A palladium doped 1T-phase molybdenum disulfide–black phosphorene two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure for visible-light enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Nanoscale(共一作者, 三区, 2021).
50.Synthesis of NiMo/La-Al2O3 powders for efficient catalytic transesterification of triglyceride with the high yield of 95.2%. Environmental Technology. (通讯作者, 四区, 2021).
51.Purification of Low-Concentration Carbonyl Sulfide by Red Mud-Based Adsorbent. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (通讯作者, 四区, 2022).
52.Preparation of Iron Carbon Composite Material by Extracting Iron from Bauxite Residue and Its Adsorption of Heavy Metal Cd(II). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (通讯作者, 四区, 2022).
53.Resource degradation of pharmacy sludge in sub-supercritical system with high degradation rate of 99% and formic acid yield of 32.44%. Environmental Technology. (通讯作者, 四区, 2022).
54.Research progress of catalytic wet oxidation/peroxidation treatment of refractory organics. Environmental Chemistry. (通讯作者, 四区, 2023).
55.Application of phosphogypsum in soilization: a review. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. (通讯作者, 四区, 2023).
1.李彬; 张宇威; 郭俊江; 朱恒希; 宁平; 王兴源, 一种利用赤泥资源化降解制药污泥的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
2.李彬;杨雁宇;钱文敏;王建城;刘泽伟;张晋;周越, 一种利用大宗固废磷石膏制备磷酸的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
3.李彬;陈灵;王建城;王泽荣;曾和平;刘泽伟, 一种生物炭掺入多源固废制备生态护坡材料的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
4.李彬; 齐佳敏; 宁平; 郭俊江; 王紫嫙, 一种利用玉米秸秆制备腐殖酸钾的方法及应用.(发明授权,排名第一)
5.李彬; 齐佳敏; 周鹏翔; 宁平; 宿新泰, 一种用于吸附重金属的磁性多孔复合材料的制备方法及应用.(发明授权,排名第一)
6.李彬; 戚江; 关清卿; 张宇威; 郭俊江,一种抗生素废水降解并资源化的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
7.李彬; 段云彪; 胡劲; 王玉天, 一种回收镍基高温合金的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
8.李彬; 张英杰; 宁平; 李建锡; 何力为, 一种以赤泥砷污染土壤为主材的免烧砖.(发明授权,排名第一)
9.李彬; 张宝华; 宁平; 何力为, 一种利用黄磷尾气和磷石膏制备电石的方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
10.李彬; 王雷雷; 宁平; 关清卿; 牛文超, 一种铜/氧化亚铜核壳结构纳米材料的制备方法.(发明授权,排名第一)
11.李彬; 刘帅; 宁平; 郭俊江; 王兴源; 朱恒希, 一种赤泥干法脱硫耦合矿热炉气热回收的方法与装置.(发明授权,排名第一)
12.李彬; 王紫嫙; 刘霄龙; 宁平; 朱廷钰; 刘帅; 王泽荣, Method and device for desulfurization and denitrification of flue gas by combining ozone generated by yellow phosphorous excitation with mineral slurry.(发明授权,排名第一)
13.李彬; 王紫嫙; 宁平; 刘霄龙; 王泽荣, Novel process of combined desulfurization and resource utilization of red mud and lime. (发明授权,排名第一)
14.钱文敏; 李彬; 宁平; 许志志, Method and device for removing sulfur dioxide from exhaust gas by adsorption regeneration.(发明授权,排名第二)
15.张利平; 李彬; 王盼; 钱文敏; 杨花, 一种利用磷石膏与赤泥制备复合膏体材料的方法及应用.(发明授权,排名第二)
16.宁平; 李彬; 刘帅; 贾丽娟; 孙鑫, 一种赤泥深度脱硫并全量化利用的方法.(发明授权,排名第二)
17.周鹏翔; 李彬; 宁平; 李建军; 齐佳敏; 杨迪, 一种用于低浓度羰基硫净化的脱硫剂的制备方法.(发明授权,排名第二)
18.齐佳敏; 李彬; 周鹏翔; 宁平; 宿新泰; 董鹏; 王兴源; 朱恒希; 赵晨竹; 仝朝, 一种废弃尾菜叶的资源化利用方法。(发明授权,排名第二)
19.王婕; 李彬; 张丽娟; 林璋; 雷小丽; 杨迪, 一种修饰有MOFs衍生Fe2O3的碳布及其制备方法和应用.(发明授权,排名第二)
20.钱文敏; 李彬; 宁平, 一种吸附再生法脱除电解铝烟气中二氧化硫的方法及装置.(发明授权,排名第二)
21.李彬; 王婕; 宁平; 张英杰; 董鹏, 一种相界面调控提高软锰矿渣浆液脱硫效率的方法及应用。(发明授权,排名第二)
22.宁平; 李彬; 何力为; 张宝华,一种利用黄磷炉渣和铬渣制备微晶玻璃的方法.(发明授权,排名第二)
23.赵群; 阳耀熙; 田森林; 宁平; 孙鑫; 李英杰; 胡学伟; 黄建洪; 李彬; 杨枢璞; 文悟, 一种利用MgCl-2强化赤泥脱碱吸收SO-2并对矿浆加以利用的方法.(发明授权)
24.宁平; 田森林; 黄建洪; 张琴; 胡学伟; 李彬, 一种铵强化赤泥矿浆烟气脱硫的方法.(发明授权)
25.张英杰; 徐龙云; 董鹏; 孙鑫; 李彬; 孟奇; 肖杰; 曾晓苑; 李雪, 一种尾矿饱和溶液增强电动修复技术去除尾矿中Pb和Cr的方法.(发明授权)
26.董鹏; 孟奇; 张英杰; 李彬; 孙鑫; 曾晓苑; 李雪; 肖杰, 一种电动与沉淀联合修复尾矿重金属污染物的方法.(发明授权)
27.宁平; 何力为; 李彬; 张宝华, 一种利用熔融态高温磷渣液制备饰面玻璃的方法.(发明授权)
28.宁平; 陈玉保; 李彬; 邓春玲, 一种污水脱氮除磷后稀土吸附剂的再生方法.(发明授权)
29.宁平; 陈玉保; 李彬; 邓春玲, 一种用离子吸附型稀土制备污水除磷吸附剂的方法.(发明授权)
30.宁平; 陈玉保; 李彬; 邓春玲,稀土吸附剂及其制备方法.(发明授权)
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