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会议通知:ISEH 2014:International Symposium on Environment and Health

    ISEH 2014:International Symposium on Environment and Health 将于2014年7月4日-5日在北京大学举行,现第一轮通知如下:

Conference topics

◦ Agricultural pollution
◦ Air pollution and control
◦ Biogeochemistry
◦ Bioavailability and bioaccessibility
◦ Bioavailability regarding water/soil BLM
◦ Climate change and population health
◦ Ecology and biodiversity
◦ Ecological modeling and engineering
◦ Ecotoxicloty
◦ Endemic diseases
◦ Environmental chemistry
◦ Environmental disasters
◦ Environmental economics
◦ Environmental health
◦ Environmental hormones and endocrine disrupting compounds
◦ Environmental management and policies
◦ Environmental monitoring and bio-monitoring
◦ Environmental technologies
◦ Environment and genetic interaction
◦ Food quality and security
◦ GIS and quantitative methods
◦ Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation
◦ Impact of traffic and transport
◦ Links between environment and health
◦ Medical geology
◦ Metals and metalloids
◦ POPs and pesticides
◦ Public health and population health
◦ Risk and hazard assessment
◦ Social impact assessment
◦ Soil pollution and remediation
◦ Toxicology
◦ Urban pollution
◦ Water pollution and waste water treatment
◦ Others


Abstract submission
Conference delegates may present abstract, or attend the conference
without presenting the abstract. All abstracts must be written in English
(1 page A4 in Word format, Times 12 pt, 1.5-spaced) and consist of the
following sections:
1. Title of the abstract: ALL CAPITALS
2. Authors: e.g., AB Smith, DJ Kalm
3. Organization(s): e.g., Texas State University, Texas, USA
4. Body: includes introduction, methods, results and discussion
To submit your Abstract, please visit section “Abstract Submission” on
our web-site http://oec.pku.edu.cn/iseh/2014/Registragtion.html and
submit your Abstract online.

Important note:
 No tables, figures, acknowledgements or references can be included
in the abstracts.
 Deadline for submission of abstracts is March 31, 2014.
 Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by the organizing
committee before April 15, 2014.
 Revisions of the abstracts by their authors (for clarity, style and
language) may be requested by the organizing committee.


Conference Registration
Registration includes full access to all conference symposia and lectures,
welcoming reception, lunch during conference, as well as Proceedings
and other conference materials and coffee breaks. To register, please visit
“registration” on conference web-site
http://oec.pku.edu.cn/iseh/2014/Registragtion.html and fill out on-line
Registration Form. 


Registration Fees
                  Developed Countries            Developing Countries*
Regular                 500 USD                         350 USD
Early Bird Regular      400 USD                         250 USD
Student                 300 USD                         150 USD
Early Bird Student      250 USD                         100 USD
*The list of developing countries is available on conference website:

 Registration fee can be paid via bank transfer, electronic payment
through, and on site by credit cards (China Union Pay only). See more
details on conference website:
 Once we receive your registration payment, the Registration
Confirmation Letter will be sent to you by email, and you can get the
receipt in conference venue by then.
 To cancel your registration, please submit a cancellation request to
the Conference Secretariat (Please refer contact information on
website) by email. A 30.00 USD handling fee will apply. Registration
fees are non-refundable after May 31, 2014.

